An unintentional break. Christmas, kids, and a trip to see family, and Facebook have all kept me away. But now, two kids are at school, a toddler is napping in his crib, and a 7 week old baby girl is snoozing in her swing (love that swing!). So instead of putting away Christmas stuff, instead of doing the never ending laundry, instead of taking a nap myself, I made a cup of coffee, grabbed a couple of cookies from the tin and sat down at the computer.
So much has happened since I last posted. Here's a run-down:
Shopped for and wrapped a gazillion presents.
Hosted Christmas Eve dinner and made a ham for the first time.
Packed for myself and four children for a 7 day trip to our old home town.
Survived a 2 1/2 hour flight with four children by myself. Yes, I survived.
Spent a week in the snowy north (see photos below) battling bad roads, but having a great time visiting family and friends, enjoying my mother cooking for me, and generally being spoiled.
Survived a 2 1/2 hour flight with four children by myself. Again.
Kissed the pavement when we landed. Just kidding. Felt overwhelming relief while my husband drove us home from the airport in our roomy, comfy suburban.
Celebrated my 36th birthday.
Started putting away Christmas stuff, not finished yet.
Started de-cluttering and cleaning the house. Also not finished.
Got hooked on Facebook. Connected with some old friends.
Well, better stop there. Just the highlights of the past couple of weeks. Now, check out my photos of the snow!! I took them from the car on the way to the airport after realizing I hadn't taken a single picture of the record breaking, obnoxious, yet beautiful snow. By the time I left, they must have gotten 3 feet or more. The area I visited had storm after storm, and they are still getting more. I wonder if anyone can guess where I went. It made the national news more than once.

Happy New Year everyone! I'm already looking ahead to spring and gardening since it's so warm here today. Probably a little premature, but it's never to early to start planning!