Friday, February 13, 2009

Valentine's Day

Two sweet goof-balls

It's been a wild week around here with appliances breaking, mice running rampant, head-colds all around, and trying to decide on new schooling options for my big girls. But I don't want to let all of that dampen the fun of Valentine's Day for my kiddos. Especially the two big girls. They haven't had as much mommy attention lately, considering I also have a 19 month-old, a 3 month-old, and I've been feeling yucky all week. So, I really want to bless them this weekend.

So, The Plans:

Saturday morning~mini chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast.

During the day~craft time with the girls-decorations and gifts for their friends.

Saturday night~family V-day dinner:

~Curry coconut chicken with rice and pineapple on the side

~Grasshopper pie (my husband's and girls' favorite) for dessert

(I know, a strange combination, but that's what my husband requested!)

I'm planning on getting out my grandmother's china and making it a festive, fun night.

Then, on Monday there is no school, so we are having a Valentine's Day Tea Party for the big girls and six of their friends. I'm planning on making some sweet treats, serving cocoa in a tea pot, and doing a craft with them. Maybe, I'll remember to take pictures, and maybe I'll find my long lost USB cord, and maybe I'll post about it all next week!

Have a great weekend!


Sally said...

Sounds like your Valentine's plans are fabulous! :)

Country Chick said...

sounds like you are going to have an awesome weekend! Have fun!
I am going to try to slow down too and enjoy some crafts with my girls and their girl friends too! Take care!

Jen - Balancing Beauty and Bedlam said...

what a precious picture!
You asked a question about our Keeper's Club. It isn't the same as the SEcret Keeper book series - which is fabulous as well. It is based off of the book called "Keepers at Home" - A handbook for young ladies. (Susan Zakula)
It's kind of a "Christian Girl Scouts" where you can earn badges and things. It has lots of neat creative/crafty skills to learn, as well as domestic homemaking type skills. There's also nature, "knowledge skills", recreational..can you tell I just opened up the index. hee hee.

Andrea, the little collector said...


I am so glad you won the bag at Turkeycookies, because that led me to your blog. It is lovely! I will certainly be back.

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