...shady hats...

...strawberry rhubarb pie...
...baby quail...
school's out
farmer's markets
days at the beach
lazy afternoons
cricket song
sleeping with open windows
~ah, so many things to love about June...
Then, we also have Father's Day and my son's second birthday...
Lots going on around here. Parties to plan, gardening to attempt, children to feed and occupy...I'm currently trying to map out a summer schedule and activities that will accommodate four children with a wide range of ages, interests, personalities, and capabilities; as well as a mommy who would really like everyone to be happy and sweet and peaceful all the time...I know, I'm dreaming here, but June is such a dreamy month, don't you think?
Come on, tell me what you love about June...I really want to know!
Love those chubby cheeks!
Let's see...
Our wedding anniversary, my girl's in sundresses, my boy in baseball caps, my hubby in his "garden" overalls, enjoying the pool and outdoors in general before the real heat sets in next month, a change in routine!
Awww... what a fun beginning of summer post! You make me optimistic for a peaceful summer as well. :)
This year? My birthday & a visit from my sister!!!
June...school ending and warm weather (every day!) beginning! That's what I love.
warm days and cool nights
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