My spirits perked up quite a bit last week when I heard that sunshine and warmth was on the way. The forecast was for 60-70 degrees and lots of sun for the weekend. This was a huge improvement. Early spring resembled the middle of winter up here this year. I was ready to start some gardening plans and play outside with the kids.
Friday, after seeing many marmots scamper around our yard, I decided to put our veggie garden in large containers far away from the hillside where the critters live. I don't want to run, screaming out to the garden all summer in an effort to scare them away from our crops. Containers will also be easier than rototilling and preparing the beds like I had planned to do. And I think maintenance will be more manageable as my belly gets larger and larger! I didn't get to implement this plan yet, but I did sow eggplant and bell pepper seeds to start indoors.
Saturday dawned clear and beautiful. I did my grocery shopping early, and by lunch time we were out in the back yard with quilt, baby toys, and lemonade. We spent the rest of the afternoon playing, reading books on the quilt, laying in the sun.

I also had time to peruse a great magazine that I just discovered.
Beautiful layout and photographs, filled with scripture and inspiring articles, home keeping and hospitality ideas...

I wanted to take some pictures of the girls doing cartwheels, but decided to wait until later in the afternoon to get that beautiful slanting sunlight, and then of course we got busy with dinner and stuff cartwheel photos.
Sunday, we headed up north to my mom's house. She lives on a small lake surrounded by mountains. It is so lovely. The lake was still icy frozen, but getting slushy. The mountains were still sprinkled with snow. As the day wore on, the lake went from dull, mushy grey to sparkling blue. I wish I had taken some photos, but I was too lazy, the sun was too warm, and the breeze was too delicious to go in search of my camera.
All in all, a wonderful weekend!
Look at the cute baby!!!!
I want to meet your baby? When are you coming to visit? I'll have to check out that magazine.
How can you not just plant kisses all over those cheeks all day long? I mean, how ever do you get the laundry done??
Yes, those cheeks are very distracting!
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