What my laundry room really is:
a place to set down thoughts, experiences, moments of this blessed life I live
Listen to music
Walk to church
Use less chemicals
Raise chickens
Get rid of clutter
Walk or ride bikes to the farmer's market
Create family traditions throughout the seasons of the year
Be charitable
Focus on the good
Live in the now
Cherish little moments
Enjoy my children
This is an abrupt ending, but it's been a few hours since I began this post. I had to leave it for awhile to feed the baby, make dinner, change diapers, put on jamies, sing night-night songs, kiss foreheads, feed the baby again...now I'm going to go eat angel food cake with strawberry sauce from my lovely neighbor.
Hopefully, I'll be back soon with better formulated thoughts. Or I can give you my list for Ways to Like My House More Without Spending Big Money.
Oh! My one year blogging anniversary is coming up. I need to think of a way to celebrate. Stay tuned...Have a great week!