Yup, a year ago today I finally did what I had wanted to do for quite a while. Start a blog. I'm not going to spend time reflecting here right now, because, well, I just don't have the time right now. Anyway, what I'm most excited about is doing a little giveaway in celebration of my one year blogging anniversary! So, I've been contemplating what to give. I wanted it to be meaningful and personal. I gathered a few items from around my house that fit my criteria.

First, a book that I love and have read many times:

It's funny, but this book (as well as a guest speaker at church one day) influenced me to do foster care. It got me thinking about creating a loving, wholesome home for whoever needed it. Fast-forward 5 years and I now have two beautiful adopted daughters as a result of that first little thought in my brain. Interesting how God works sometimes.
Next, one of my favorite places in the world, and one of my favorite hobbies all rolled into one watercolor painting:

The Beach and Painting. I painted this from a photo I took at the Washington Coast. I don't get to the beach often, but I'm just filled with the majesty of God every time I do get there. I love the weathered driftwood and all the shadows on the sand.
Finally, for my whimsical side, this vase I painted at a pottery shop:

I used my favorite colors, and I love the shape of the vase and the happy swirls.
O.k, if you are interested in the giveaway, just leave a comment. I'll draw a name Sunday night and post the winner.
Even if you don't want this random set of objects, I hope you'll leave a comment to help me celebrate. I'm hoping to meet some readers that don't make it a habit to comment, but are still out there somewhere.
Thanks for stopping by, and here's to another year!
Happy One Year!!! Isn't it amazing how fast a year flies by? I always enjoy stopping by your space!
Yay Jen! Happy one year... I so love reading your blog... it makes me feel just a little more in touch with you. :)
I am so glad that you started a blog. I love knowing what is going on in your family.
Happy One Year!!!
Congratulations on your anniversary and blog giveaway. And you paint? Wow!!! It is beautiful!
Hooray, hooray, hooray to you!!!
Happy Blog Birthday. I know it is past your drawing, but I wanted to wish you some birthday wishes anyway. I think your painting is just breathtaking!
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