"There, everything
is order and
beauty, richness, quiet
and pleasure."
~Charles Baudelaire, L'Invitation au Voyage

What my laundry room really is:
I know, the sad, plastic drawer thingy really doesn't measure up to that lovely green armoire, does it?
I found those wonderful laundry room photos in a Victoria magazine years ago. I've kept them in a binder, hoping for the day I could create the laundry room of my dreams.
So far, no dreamy laundry room. I will say that my current laundry room is better than any I've had previously. At least there is not a leaky sewage pipe in this one. AND it is right off the kitchen, on the main floor, not in a basement. AND it has a door that opens out to my courtyard where I will soon have a kitchen garden. So, it does have it's merits. What is doesn't have is richness, beauty, order or quiet. Hmmm...maybe someday!
Do you have a gruesome laundry room? Do you dream of a serene and lovely laundry room? Head over to Parisienne Farmgirl for an ugly laundry room contest!
Can I just say "laundry room" one more time. OK. Thanks.
If my laundry room looked like the one in the magazine I'd never STOP doing laundry. Even if it was just one sock!
Ah...laundry rooms. Ours is in the basement of our apartment building. It is NOT glamorous in any way, but I'm grateful I don't have to take the laundry to a laundromat!
Pretty pictures! I am just thankful I don't have to laundry by hand and hang it outside =)
Oh, yours isn't THAT bad! I swear, all we are asking for is a little bit of white, cheer and organization! Is that too much to ask???
I'd love to have the space you have in yours! Beautiful pictures!
Hey Jen! have you been over to see me at Na-Da Farm lately? I'm having a big surprise...and there is a PRIZE!!!
Dear Jen, We are kindred spirits when it comes to laundry rooms! I called the laundry room in our old house the "mexican prison" --- dark, dank smelling and full of spiders as it was. I was so excited to have a nice, clean, light-filled laundry room in the new house. Sigh... Now I only wish I had more space. By the way, I love your dream laundry room ideas. Seems like you would enjoy having tea in there... while folding fresh-smelling linens. Ahhhh... Thanks for sharing your dream with me. Love, Denece
You are so brave....to show that part of your home...so very...very brave....
hee hee
Did you see my surprise? NO?
Come on by when you get a chance!
Have a blessed weekend!
It's Friday but Sunday's comin'!
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