Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Six things to include in your child's day:
*meaningful work
*imaginative play
*good books
*beauty (art, nature, music)
*ideas to ponder & discuss
Now, that's living, learning and loving. My kind of school.
Gratitude Journal
big sisters who love to play with baby brother
dappling sunlight across my floor
tiny flutters of tiny hands and feet
good children's books
sleeping with the window open
Saturday, May 24, 2008
My Little Garden

Ok, I've been so bad at posting. But I've been waiting to get my USB cord from my husband's office, so that I can post a bunch of photos. Don't know why it took like a week to finally communicate the fact that I NEED MY USB CORD, BUT YOUR OFFICE IS LOCKED. I guess I wouldn't really remember until he had left for work. But, now, I am ready.
We had great weather last weekend...Oh, my gosh, I think I just felt the baby! For the first time! Wait a moment while I hold still and see if I feel anything else...Hmmmm, I don't know, I'm only 13 and a half weeks...was that the baby or gas? I'm gonna say it was the baby. How cool! I love being able to feel the baby. It's so reassuring and special. Anyway, back to my post...

Hmmm, so bright, you can't see the green very well. Bummer.
Last week the girls did school outside:
They had a lovely snack of strawberries,
Well, the little man has woken up, time to go and play...
Have a great day everyone!
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Nice Things
Girls are at school.
Husband is at work.
The house is actually quiet. I can hear the hum of the fridge and the clacking of the keyboard; oh, and a few birds chirping.
It's so nice.
I just ate my third breakfast, so my tummy is actually full; not a common occurrence these days.
My dishes are not quite done, but they're close.
It's a grey day, but not raining, and it's supposed to be in the 80's starting tomorrow and all weekend.
I have a veggie garden to plant. It's going to be in containers, because we have a bit of a marmot problem. They seem to think it's ok to run all over our backyard and eat whatever they fancy. I'm not taking any chances. My veggies are going to grow in containers on our back deck. I've already planted sugar snap peas, green beans, carrots, and a tomato plant. I have eggplant seedlings to transplant, tomato seeds planted indoors, and a few more seed packets to deal with. I think this kind of garden will be better for me this summer anyway. Much less maintenance to worry about.
Oh, another nice thing: on Monday, I had an ultrasound and got to see "belly baby"! (Trying to differentiate between baby in utero and baby who is currently still referred to as "the baby" by his sisters.) It was amazing to see this little life, only an inch and a half long, but looking very baby-like, kicking and moving its arms. So cool! This is early to have an ultrasound, but my midwife wanted to find out how far along I really was since I'll be having another c-section. Baby looked fine, and due date stays the same--Thanksgiving Day! But we'll schedule the section for a week or so earlier.
Well, I hope everyone is enjoying their own "nice things" today.
I'm off to plant some more seeds, or do my dishes...or play with my baby boy who I hear waking up as I type.
Have a great day!
Monday, May 12, 2008
Back to Normal
Well. This year wasn't so dramatic. I was really tired, though. I told my daughter that she will have to pick one party from now on. I'm tired of being tired and cranky on Mother's Day. At least next year I won't be pregnant. Well, I think I won't be! At the rate I'm going...
We did have a good day, anyway. My husband puttered around the house all day doing laundry, dishes (3 or 4 loads), vacuuming under beds!!! and all sorts of odds and ends. It was so sweet. Then we went to dinner. No kitchen floor scrubbing this year.
No matter how quiet or dramatic, I'm so thankful to be celebrating Mother's Day. Only a few years ago, I felt forlorn and sad, longing for my own sweet babies, longing to be a mommy. The Lord has certainly taken care of that desire of my heart!
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Busy, busy, busy...
So, Friday is the slumber party, at which the girls will pretty much have to entertain themselves. Not that they want me interfering anyway. My girl is great at keeping her friends having fun.
Then, after a late night of ten year-old antics, the girls have to get up and go to a parade that my daughter is in. Thankfully my good friend volunteered to take them, while I stay home a prepare for party number two. This year's theme is Secret Agents, complete with training exercises and a crime to solve that takes them around the world. Well, hopefully it takes them around the world. I have yet to plan those specific details. The agents will have to decipher codes, solve riddles, and collect evidence to capture the Mr. Bad Guy. I think it will be great, I just have to sit down and actually write out the mystery and clues and what not. No worries. I work better under pressure. Last year, we did a treasure hunt that I came up with the morning of the party. Yep, procrastination fires up my creativity.
Then, of course Sunday is Mother's Day, and the actual birthday date. She is so excited that her birthday is on Mother's Day this year. For some reason, she thinks that is so cool. It's sweet really. Maybe this means she won't try to make be breakfast in bed. The thought is sweet, and she is getting much better at cooking. She can finally make more than toast. But, it's really hard for me to lay in bed, waiting, when everyone else needs me. Maybe we will go out to breakfast this year.
Better be off...I have groceries to get, a family to feed...a crime to plan. A mother's to-do list never ends.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
So Nice
Now, what is more spring-like and wonderful than that?
Well, maybe lots of things. But still. It's nice.
Friday, May 2, 2008
Finally (sigh)

From February to May.
What a difference. I love watching spring gently unfold. Sometimes I wish it would just burst forth, but I appreciate it more when it happens slowly. Spring is so much sweeter after a hard, dark winter, too. I've lived in places where the seasons are less defined--Oregon, and even more so, Hawaii. And springtime wasn't such a wonderful, delightful event. It was just more of the same--green and rainy in Oregon, and green and warm in Hawaii. Here, though, especially after our extra long winter, with so much snow, spring really is a reawakening, a rebirth, joy after mourning. It makes me wonder if people who suffer more in life can also experience more joy. I don't believe that God causes suffering, but did He make it work this way, knowing we would suffer? Isn't there a Chinese proverb about the larger the jar of suffering, the more joy it can hold? I'll have to try and look that up. Anyway, spring is finally here in my corner of the world, and it could not be more welcome. I think we will be spending as much time as possible outside today, basking in sunshine and drinking in the green beauty around us.
One more photo: I just love the delicate green laceyness of the leaves and buds that trees are clothed with in early spring. (Now I sound like Anne Shirley!)