Friday, December 18, 2009
Right Now
I'm sitting at the computer, drinking coffee, listening to instrumental Christmas music on Pandora, enjoying my quiet morning house as the sun comes up on a snowy world.
Only one of my four children is awake...and he is quietly watching Little Bear while he drinks his morning milk.
Wait...a happy squeal from the little one's one year old daughter is now awake. I'll let her play in her crib for a couple of minutes.
There will be a Christmas, oops, I mean a Holiday party at school for my two oldest. Sending cranberry muffins and candy canes.
So, at home we will have our own little party with our little 3 year-old friend, who I care for during the day, my 2 1/2 year-old son, and my one year old daughter. I am cupcakes to sprinkle and a Christmas story...if I have the chance, maybe I'll whip up some sugar cookie dough for Christmas shapes and frosting and sprinkles...but as I write this I think the mini cupcakes will be much easier and just as fun.
A few minutes later...
Well, three out of four children are now up and our little friend is here. Little one year old miss is eating fist-fulls of scrambled eggs, two others are squabbling (as usual), and one is back to his milk and Little Bear...time for me to get us all going.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Oh, my eleven-year-old daughter just started a blog for home school. She is going to post things she is learning about as well as creative writing stuff...and probably whatever she happens to think would be fun. She is such a sweet, fun-loving, happy girl. I'm so blessed to be able to be her mom.
Please stop by her blog and leave her a kind comment.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Course Correction

Friday, August 14, 2009

And we experienced a few firsts.
We had a great time.
But it's so nice to be home.
Side note:
Saturday, June 27, 2009
...Checking In

And now the kids and I are about to head out on a month long visit to see my family back home. We are so excited. We've really missed them since we moved last August. There will be lots of cousin fun, swimming in the lake, boat rides, marshmallow roasting, mud pie making, grama hugs, long chats with my mom and sister, laying on the beach in the sun while your cold-from-swimming-too-long skin gets all tingly and warm...falling asleep to cricket song and lapping waves...
So, I won't be posting much for a while longer. I'm hoping to be able to devote some more time to this blog when I get back. We'll see.
I hope you are enjoying your summer!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
June Joys

...shady hats...

Tuesday, June 2, 2009
What could be wrecking havoc in my little garden?
It's completely fenced in--so it can't be rabbits.
There are lots of birds in and out...quail, doves and others, but birds don't eat plants, do they?
Could it be some kind of bug? I've seen little black ants and those "roly-polies" as my kids call them. (I don't know what they really are called, but they roll up into a ball when touched.)
Oh, and so far, it's just one brick raised bed that's been affected. My herbs, tomatoes, and other marigolds are in different beds and are fine.
Any gardeners out there? Can you help? What should I do?
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Garden Notebook

Planted this week:
~Broccoli, butter crunch lettuce, and nasturtium seeds
Herb garden:
Four inch pots planted May 20: basil, thyme, dill, chocolate mint, and chives
Peach tree-lots of fuzzy green globes, getting bigger by the day!
Oh, I forgot to photograph my tomatoes. One Big Stripy heirloom and four Sweet 100's.
To do:
~seeds to plant: peas, swiss chard
~buy and plant: bell peppers, onions, potatoes, garlic, and green beans
~buy ladybugs for roses (covered in aphids!)
I know it isn't much; budget restraints are keeping me from going hog-wild at the garden center. But little by little, it's becoming my sweet little potager. Wasn't I blessed to inherit this little space already outfitted with brick raised beds, a peach tree, and two rose bushes? It gets a good amount of sun throughout the day, but gets nice and shady around five. It is all fenced in, so I can easily keep an eye on the little ones while I work. I've also been going out at nap time to sit under the peach tree to read. So peaceful!
Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Sunday, April 26, 2009
Menu Planning
This is one. When feeding a family of six three meals a day, it takes a bit of planning. Over the last few months, I've made it easier and less time consuming by compiling a list of meals we like and a chart to plan each week's dinners.
I decided on these categories: Soup/Stew, Mexican, Pasta/Italian, Casserole/Roast, Asian, Take-Out @ Home, and Quick & Easy. I made myself a chart with different meals under each category. I try to plan one meal from each category for each week, but I don't assign a specific day for each--I like to be flexible so I can decide what to make on a daily basis. Some people like to decide what they are having each day, and sometimes I do that, but most of the time I wait to see how the day is going or what I feel like.
When deciding what to make for the week, I look through the grocery store ads to see what's on sale. I haven't ever been good at using coupons, but I try to find good deals. Also, if I know I'll have leftovers, I try to plan one of the meals around them. For example, this week chuck roast was on sale, so I'm planning on making roast beef in the crock pot one day, and then I'll shred the left over beef for quesadillas on another day.
So, here is our dinner menu for this week:
Asian~Beef Sate with peanut dipping sauce, rice and peas
Soup/Stew~Corn/Potato chowder with popovers
Mexican~Shredded beef quesadillas with corn casserole
Pasta~Fish sticks (the only fish my kids will eat, besides canned tuna) with pasta and sauteed zucchini and mushrooms
Casserole/Roast~Roast Beef with carrots, potatoes, and gravy
Take-Out @ Home~Sausage and Egg muffins, fruit
Quick & Easy~Tomato soup with grilled cheese sandwiches
Lately, my husband has to work on Friday and Saturday nights, so I usually plan our Take-Out and Quick & Easy for those nights with just the kids. Sometimes we'll just have leftovers or breakfast on those nights, too.
I don't actually plan out each breakfast and lunch, but I try to make sure I have general idea of what we can eat. For example, this week I am making pumpkin or applesauce muffins to have on hand for breakfast, along with fruit, yogurt, or smoothies. For lunches there will be possible leftovers from dinner, tuna fish sandwiches, pasta with butter and cheese, baked potatoes, and of course peanut butter and jelly. My kids also like flour tortillas with cheese or jelly or even a scrambled egg burrito. So we just make what sounds good that day.
Do you plan out your dinners for the week? What works for you?
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Feeling the Sun

Maybe a little tree climbin'...

Thursday, April 16, 2009
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Easter Preparations
The baskets are assembled.
The cookies and cupcakes are baked.
The coffee cake is rising.
The fridge is stocked for an Easter buffet.
The outfits are ironed and laid out.
The eggs are dyed.
The jelly beans are waiting...
Mommy is tired, and she prays she remembers to focus on Jesus even in the midst of all the hullabaloo...
Happy Easter everyone. May your day be blessed and full of the joy of the Resurrection!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009

What my laundry room really is:
Friday, March 20, 2009
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Garden Dreams

I'll be sure to share my gardening adventures with you!
Now, children are calling...I'd better be off!
Sunday, March 8, 2009
The Winner...
Thanks to Sally, Jessica, and Andrea for your comments and for reading. I really enjoy each of your blogs.
It's been a fun year of blogging. And I like being able to go back and see what the year was like for my family.
Here's to another year,
Thursday, March 5, 2009
One Year
First, a book that I love and have read many times:
Next, one of my favorite places in the world, and one of my favorite hobbies all rolled into one watercolor painting:
Finally, for my whimsical side, this vase I painted at a pottery shop:
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Yesterday and Today
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Listen to music
Walk to church
Use less chemicals
Raise chickens
Get rid of clutter
Walk or ride bikes to the farmer's market
Create family traditions throughout the seasons of the year
Be charitable
Focus on the good
Live in the now
Cherish little moments
Enjoy my children
This is an abrupt ending, but it's been a few hours since I began this post. I had to leave it for awhile to feed the baby, make dinner, change diapers, put on jamies, sing night-night songs, kiss foreheads, feed the baby I'm going to go eat angel food cake with strawberry sauce from my lovely neighbor.
Hopefully, I'll be back soon with better formulated thoughts. Or I can give you my list for Ways to Like My House More Without Spending Big Money.
Oh! My one year blogging anniversary is coming up. I need to think of a way to celebrate. Stay tuned...Have a great week!
Friday, February 13, 2009
Valentine's Day
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
One of Those Days
........cough, hacking, cough........
And then...
Daddy comes home...miraculously everything calms down, everyone is happy...and he brings mouse traps!
Hooray for Daddy!!
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Food Thoughts and Taco Pie
Anyway, here is another recipe! I made this last night. My family loves tacos, and this is a little easier than assembling everyone's individual tacos.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Simple Things

Applesauce Muffins

¾ cup sugar
2 tsp. Baking powder
¼ tsp. Salt
1 tsp. Cinnamon
1 cup unsweetened applesauce
½ cup butter, melted
cinnamon and sugar
Combine dry ingredients and whisk to blend.
Add egg, applesauce and butter.
Stir until just blended.
Spoon into greased or lined muffin pan.
Top with slice of apple and sprinkle of cinnamon sugar.

Bake 18-20 minutes.
Makes 12 muffins.