I took these photos earlier this summer. I just love our yard. We have great trees and so much space.

Behind the trees, above, we have a large, undeveloped field. It get lots of sun, so I'm envisioning a vegetable garden, a cutting flower garden...oh, the possibilities! And somewhere, of course, we have to fit in a sunflower house for the kids, and their own little garden plots.

Below is our back yard/patio. I guess it isn't really a "yard". There are lots of brick planters, walkways and trees. Even a peach tree, with nary a peach this year...I hope we can convince it to produce next year.

This little "courtyard" will be really fun to fix up. Things need trimming, and lots of planning and planting needs to be done. Any suggestions for the planters? There are also brick rimmed beds around the house and fence.

If you look closely, you can see white, fluffy stuff from the cottonwoods. This piled up in drifts like snow in July. I'm guessing a leaf blower will come in handy next year.
I am hoping that I can get some planting done this fall. Poppies, peonies, and drifts of daffodils under the cottonwoods.
MMmmmm....I was all excited for fall, and now I'm already thinking spring!
It looks like a beautiful house, Jen. How exciting for all of you to have that lovely place for family play!
Your yard is just lovely...I'm a bit jealous of that court yard!
Oh it looks so pretty! I wish my boys could come there and run and run!
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