I guess I'm a homemaker. Ever since I had my son and stopped teaching, I've been trying this stay-at-home-mom thing. I had done the working mom routine for three years with my two adopted daughters, and it was HARD. I felt torn in so many directions. It didn't help that for the first two years I was single and the girls were foster children, not my own. I know that many women have children and careers and love it and handle it just fine. I, however, am not one of those women.
So, last fall when I didn't have to go back to work, I was in heaven on earth. It was so wonderful! I could enjoy my baby and my girls, I could get the house work done and have dinner on the table. I had fun; I was happy and filled with gratitude.
Now, this year, I have even more time since I'm not homeschooling the girls. But I'm kinda just floating, kinda in a funk or something. Probably because we recently moved, because my husband has been out of town finishing our move, because we haven't really had a chance to settle in yet. But still.
I need focus. I need direction. I want to enjoy homemaking and mothering, not just do it cause I have to. I mean, really, this is a huge blessing, to be able to be home with my children, to be able to make home a special place for my family. To be able to nurture and nourish them. This was my desire for years, and God has given it to me. Now when the reality of caring for a family with all of the hard work and self-sacrifice it entails comes true, too, am I going to give up and be crabby and whiny? No way!
So, list maker that I am, I've been writing out my "Job Description" as a homemaker. I've also been listing goals I have for each aspect of my job as a wife, mother, and housekeeper. Focus and direction.
And most importantly, I need to choose to find JOY in all the little things I do. Have fun doing laundry. Let my creativity flourish in the kitchen. Cherish my children. Love my husband. Remember that they are blessings, not work. How will I do this? Prayer. Only God can help me change my attitude and really see how blessed I am.
Over the next few days I'll post the lists I've come up with, as well as how I'm doing in the joy department.
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