Friday, December 12, 2008
Before and After
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Simple Priorities
What is important to me right now are happy, healthy children and meaningful Christmas memories.
So, my to-do list for December:
*plan easy, healthy meals to enjoy as a family
*throw in one load of laundry a day
*keep gifts simple and shop online when possible
*bake cookies with big girls
*play chase with my little man
*dance with sweet baby
*read a Christmas book to the kids at bedtime each night
*tell my husband I love him
Oh, and I can't forget:
*Ask the Lord for help each day, and be thankful for all He has blessed me with
Simple, right? Well, better than trying to do everything.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
So Good
Monday, November 17, 2008
So excited to meet my new baby girl.
I may not be posting for a while, we'll see.
But I will be back with details and maybe a photo or two.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
A Mother
So anyway, I found this post today over at High Desert Home that inspired me as a mother and a homemaker. Just what I needed.
Now, I need to read it a few more times, or maybe everyday.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Gratitude Journal

Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
I'm kinda excited for that. And I'm kinda anxious to get some things done around the house. I went through my linen closet and washed loads upon loads of sheets. And comforters. I went through more hand me down baby clothes (love them!) and washed, sorted, and stored those. I even set up the bassinet.
Do you think I'm nesting. Maybe. Just a little.
So...not much posting going on. Sorry.
I'll try to write something soon. In the meantime, here are some great blogs that I have discovered recently. (Yes, I have been exploring blogland, just not participating much.)
The Inspired Room
The Nesting Place
Check them out for good decorating ideas and witty commentary.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Soup Swap
Here is my contribution: Curried Cream of Chicken Soup. I found this recipe at In the Heart of My Home. I've changed it just a little to make it fit my own family.
1 TBSP. butter
2 cups chopped sweet onion
2 carrots peeled and chopped
1 TBSP. curry powder
Cook the above ingredients over low heat until tender.
7 cups chicken stock
2 lbs peeled, diced butternut squash
3-4 chicken breasts, bone-in (you can use a whole cut up chicken if you want)
1/2 cup basmati rice (I haven't tried it with rice, yet)
salt and pepper to taste
Bring to a boil, reduce heat, cover and simmer until chicken is done (25 minutes or so).
Cool chicken in stock. (I let it sit out a few minutes, too.)
Remove meat from bones and dice.
Remove fat from broth. (I usually remove the skin from the breast, so I don't have a lot of fat.)
Stain soup, reserve solids.
Puree solids in food processor or blender with some stock, in batches. This makes it so creamy and yummy.
Return puree to rest of stock. Add diced chicken.
Then add:
1 cup half & half
10 oz. frozen peas, defrosted
Simmer 15 minutes or until peas are done.
This is really good with pumpkin muffins!
Even my kids like this soup. It is definately a family favorite.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Homemaking Inspiration
I've been pondering my own role as a homemaker, what that entails, how I can go about it with a joyful heart. Ruthann has certainly figured that out!
So, this past week I've been working on a Housekeeping Notebook to stay organized, and I've also been searching out pretty things stashed around the house that I can use for some fall decorating.
I'll try to share ideas and photos from both projects soon. In the meantime, make sure you head over to Warm Pie, Happy Home for encouragement and inspiration.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Please Pass the...
Monday, October 6, 2008
A Mother
Titus 2:4

Wednesday, October 1, 2008
A Wife
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
My Home

Saturday, September 27, 2008
Please Pass the...
This is one of my favorite recipes that my mom would make us. I make it for my family quite a bit. It's easy and yummy.
What you need:
4 pork chops (bone-in is best)
1-2 tablespoons of olive oil
salt and pepper
1 package brown gravy mix
1 can cream of mushroom soup + 1 can of water
Heat oil in a skillet over medium high heat. Season chops with salt and pepper. Brown chops for a few minutes on each side. Meanwhile whisk soup, water, and brown gravy mix in a bowl. Add a little salt and pepper if you want to.
When the pork chops are nice and brown, turn down the heat
and pour the soup mixture over the meat. Cover and simmer for 30 minutes or so--less if your using boneless.
We serve this over white or brown rice and sprinkle green peas on top. Yummy.
Find more family recipes for Please Pass the...over at Today's Housewife.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
First Days of Fall

Especially that last one. I like the light and the shadows. Kinda like impressionist paintings.
Here's to fall!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Happy Fall!

Friday, September 19, 2008
Autumn Delights Days Seven and Eight

Our first Autumn Harvest-soon to be applesauce and pie!
But first, we'll enjoy their beauty for a day or two.
For more great fall decorating ideas check out the Better Homes and Gardens website.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Autumn Delights Day Six
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Autumn Delights Day Five
Monday, September 15, 2008
Autumn Delights Day Four
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Autumn Delights Day Three

Saturday, September 13, 2008
Pumpkin Bread Recipe
Pumpkin Bread/Muffins
2 cups unbleached white flour
1 ½ cups whole wheat flour
1 ¼ cups sugar
2 t. baking soda
1 t. baking powder
¼ t. ground cloves
¼ t. ground ginger
1 t. cinnamon
1 t. nutmeg
1 t. salt
1 (15 oz.) can pumpkin puree
½ cup applesauce
4 eggs
2/3 cups water
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease 2 loaf pans, 24 muffins cups, or,
Mix dry ingredients in a large bowl. I like to use a wire whisk for this. In a separate bowl, blend pumpkin, applesauce, eggs, and water. Add wet stuff to dry stuff. Stir until all is moistened. It doesn't look like it will all mix together, but it will! Pour into pans.
Bake: 20-25 minutes for muffins, 40-45 minutes for loaves, or until toothpick comes out clean.
Autumn Delights Day Two

-the joy of cooking comes back with cooler weather
-soups and stews simmering along all day, filling the house with warmth and comfort
-baking, baking, baking
-pumpkin bread and muffins
-pumpkin pie
-pumpkin bread pudding
-apple pies
For tomorrow: creating a cozy fall kitchen
Friday, September 12, 2008
Oh, Yeah
Autumn Delights

So for today, I'll start my list with-
Autumn Delights: Sights and Smells
-bright, colorful leaves against deep blue skies
-blushing apples
-ripe pumpkins
-drying, crunching leaves
-smoky air on a cool, crisp morning
-warm, comforting smells drifting from the kitchen (which leads to tomorrows list...)
Happy Autumn dreaming everyone!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008
The Nursery

Then I decided to get a few photos depicting the paint color I picked out. This will be the baby girl's room, too, so I decided on this blue/green called 'vintage map' by Martha Stewart. This blanket gave me the idea--see the polka dots?

I think it is perfect for a boy and girl's room. Not too boyish or too girly. Here is the top of baby girl's dresser:
And here are some of little man's things. The paint looks a lot darker in this photo:
I am really happy with the paint. We almost didn't take the time to paint the kid's rooms right away, but my prego hormones took over and my mom and husband had to comply. They did a great job!
I'll post pics of the big girls' room soon. It's, uh, a little bit of a disaster at the moment.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Lack of Posts

Thursday, September 4, 2008
A Wild Night

I heard all three dogs barking at about 3am. What was really strange, was that Shilo's bark turned very high-pitched and incessant. She just wouldn't stop. I got up and peered outside, calling to the dogs to be quiet. I couldn't see anything. Sammy and Tripod ran up to me all excited, but Shilo continued to bark non-stop in the vicinity of the cottonwood trees. I couldn't figure it out. I tried to find a flashlight, but none was to be found. I debated calling 911. I knew there was no way I was leaving three kids in the house and going out there to investigate while being 7 months pregnant. (My husband was out of town). I stayed up for a while, trying to get Shilo to quiet down. By this time I figured it wasn't a human intruder, must be some kind of animal and there was nothing I could do, so I went back to bed. At least Shilo was taking a break from barking now and then and I could fall asleep.
At about 5:30 the barking got crazy again. All three dogs were freaking out. I got up and it was just barely starting to get light. I could see that the sprinklers were on, Sammy was whining at the door, Tripod was barking and running from the trees to the house and back again, and Shilo was barking her crazy high-pitched bark from somewhere near the trees. I couldn't see her, and I was worried that she was hurt and getting wet from the sprinklers. She wouldn't come when I called, she wouldn't stop barking. I wondered if I should go out and see if she was ok. Finally, I saw her standing by the trees, getting wet, and barking. I couldn't turn off the sprinklers from the house, and Shilo wouldn't come when I called her. I finally just went back to bed, thinking maybe there was a bear or something up in the tree. I guess, last summer, a bear did come into the yard. I was worried about Shilo, but I wasn't about to put myself and the baby at risk. So, when we all got up at about 7:15, I could see Shilo sitting by the trees, staring up, but not barking.

She stayed there during another set of sprinklers, getting all wet, and she sits there even now. Sometimes she'll get up and walk around the trees, sniffing, looking up. But she won't leave them. I finally went out to check things out when my son went down for a nap. I couldn't see anything. I guess whatever it was must have gone from tree to tree, over to the neighbors and away. Poor, good Shilo. I hope the kids can coax her away when they get home.
Monday, September 1, 2008
A Garden Tour

I am hoping that I can get some planting done this fall. Poppies, peonies, and drifts of daffodils under the cottonwoods.